Drug & Alcohol Policy
The Drug & Alcohol Policy outlines a policy and guidelines for a company and their employees to follow regarding drugs and alcohol within the workplace.
The purpose of the Drug & Alcohol Policy is:
- To provide a safe and healthy workplace for all staff without risk
- To outline the expectations and requirements for creating and maintaining an alcohol and drug free work environment
- To identify impairment at work, or employees under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol at work
- To provide support and assistance where needed to staff members with a substance use problem with a goal to get well rather than terminate employment
Available to download as a Microsoft word document with easy to complete form entries, with restricted editing. Documents are created as general documents and may not suit all individual business activities.
Document Information
Available to download as a Microsoft word document with easy to complete form entries, with restricted editing. Documents are created as general documents and may not suit all individual business activities.
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