Tōtika Pre-qualification

Tōtika is New Zealand's first and only nationally recognised, cross-industry contractor prequalification scheme.
This Government and broad based industry endorsed prequalification scheme is like a warrant of fitness for contractors – allowing you to show your clients that your OH&S management systems meet the standard for the awarding of work contract submissions that you are wanting to tender for or pursue.
Why Tōtika Prequal ?
Tōtika prequalification impacts contractors positively by creating a common standard and process accepted by many industries.
Before Tōtika there was no common standard for prequalification, resulting in a number of independent prequalification schemes in individual businesses. This creates significant inefficiency in the supply chain as suppliers have to repeatedly prequalify against different schemes and standards, wasting time and money for both clients and contractors.
Why OHS Consultants ?
OHS Consultants has proven experience working with organisations who need assistance in preparing for the initial Totika submission so they can maximise results with high performance results.
This includes working with organisations at Category 1, 2 and 3 with the objective to achieve the ‘performing at the Tōtika scheme standard’ certificate.
Where you may have gaps in your current management systems, OHS Consultants has large resources and expertise at our disposal for providing the professional services that you require.
Note: Qualify 365, Impac Prequal, SHE Pre-qual and Avetta are registered as recognised
Tōtika assessor organisations (i.e. are the markers), whereas OHS Consultants provides the
initial support to help you prepare for the assessment (i.e. we ‘stay on your side of the fence’
helping you get through the prequal process).